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1:52 AM

Musicality Gone Wild: "Glam/Psychedelic/Zouk??"

Posted by Heather Arney |

ZOUK? Does anyone know what type or genre of music that is?

No googling, or peaking....(and if you know, that may either be really cool, or a bit odd). The says that Zouk is ,"A popular dance music of the French West Indies, combining African drumming styles with influences from American and Caribbean popular music." Mix that in (somehow) with some psychedelic glam, and that is supposedly the musical definition of a UK based band, FENECH-SOLER. (True confession...I stumbled upon them on Myspace...but I promise that myspace is not a mainstay in my life, FB for life.) ;)

I had a jumbled bunch of thoughts and feelings about their music when I first heard it. I wasn't sure if I had just signed up to be a part of a B-rate '80's Euro-pop music video....maybe I would be the featured dancer, and put my few good moves to use. I wanted to like it because it was different but ultimately it took me a little while of listening to it, before I could actually embrace it. Go to their site and sample the will, at least, be an experience. OH, and while listening...ask yourself if it really feels "Zouk" to you...I wasn't picking up so much on the French West Indies/African drumming vibe...but then again, that may just be me.

Anyway, it's a delightful new play option for your drive time, study break, dance party, or ..... (you fill in the creative blank). I dunno, maybe you could iron to it...?


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